Celluma Light Therapy

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Sunset Beach, Newport Beach, Redondo Beach, Orange, Dana Point and Orange County

Smiling woman relaxing on a sofa, representing the rejuvenating effects of Celluma LED light therapy treatments available at DermFx.

Celluma is a collection of LED light therapy treatments that are FDA-cleared to treat hair loss, acne, and signs of aging. Celluma can also help patients manage pain and treat skin conditions.

The DermFx team has decades of experience helping patients with noninvasive therapies that regenerate their bodies on a cellular level. Contact our office or fill out our inquiry form to learn more about how Celluma can improve your quality of life:

About Celluma Light Therapy

LED (light emitting diode) therapy is a phototherapy treatment that emits wavelengths of light energy to help your tissues regenerate on a cellular level. Just as plants can use sunlight to create chlorophyll, human cells can receive LED light and transform it into energy (adenosine triphosphate or ATP). (1) Phototherapy increases circulation, eliminates bacteria, reduces inflammation, and improves skin tone. The treatment has anti-aging benefits due to its healing effect on the skin. It can also reduce the appearance of eye wrinkles and improve skin texture.

Celluma vs LED Masks

Celluma includes three different wavelengths of LED light energy, also known as photobiomodulation or PBM, making it more customizable for your needs. Celluma devices emit blue (465nm), red (640 nm), and near-infrared (880nm) wavelengths that are proven to improve the function of your cells. Celluma is designed for flexibility and can be shaped to adjust to different areas of your body. Also, Celluma can treat a variety of conditions:

  • Facial Wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Hair Loss
  • Joint Pain
  • Skin Aging
  • Wounds
  • Chronic Pain
  • Skin Damage

Celluma for Acne

Acne–skin lesions from bacteria and inflammation–is often caused by genetics, skincare routine, diet, stress, and medical conditions. When dead skin cells or sebum (oil naturally produced from your skin) clog your pores, they can become infected with bacteria and become inflamed. With Celluma, we can treat the bacteria and reduce the inflammation in your skin for more effective healing to:

  • Prevent future breakouts
  • Eliminate bacteria
  • Clarify your skin
  • Improve your appearance

Celluma is an effective chemical-free treatment for acne on the face or back without the side effects of prescription medication such as Accutane or over-the-counter products. Blue light has been proven to reduce acne lesions, comedones, and papules by 35-54%. (2) Due to the flexibility of the Celluma device, we can shape it to cover the treatment area and eliminate acne more effectively than other devices that are not as flexible.

Celluma for Hair Growth

Hair loss is a common problem that affects approximately 67% of men and 24% of women across the world. (3) Androgenetic alopecia, a form of genetic hair loss, can have a significant impact on self-esteem and quality of life. Although shedding is a natural part of the hair growth cycle, when your hair sheds faster than your follicles can regenerate, chronic hair loss can occur. Hair loss is not just genetic; it can be caused by stress, physical or emotional trauma, and nutrient deficiency. If you have genetic hair loss, we can use Celluma to restore your hair follicles and stimulate new growth without surgical procedures or hair transplants that have a lengthy recovery time.

Celluma for Pain Management

Celluma can help with pain management, especially chronic pain conditions such as arthritis which approximately 91 million US adults suffer from. (4) It reduces pain by stimulating circulation to increase the oxygen and essential nutrients your body has access to. When your body receives light energy, it creates nitric oxide which increases the diameter of blood vessels slightly. The increased oxygen levels and ATP from the treatment can activate pathways in the body that relieve pain and inflammation. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may need several treatments to see results. It can also help patients who are suffering from pain after a workout due to inflammation or fatigued muscles; you can accelerate the healing process from exercise with Celluma. Celluma can help you achieve:

  • Improved local blood circulation
  • More relaxed muscles
  • Reduced joint pain
  • Fewer muscle spasms
  • Relief from arthritic pain

Celluma for Wound Healing

Celluma can help your body heal from wounds more effectively, reducing recovery time and scarring. The antibacterial properties of phototherapy also eliminate bacteria on your skin to reduce the risk of postoperative infections for more effective healing. Blue light is clinically proven to accelerate your body’s ability to repair tissue for faster recovery times. (5) (1)

  • Accelerates tissue repair
  • Decreases wound size
  • Resolution of erythema
  • Wound closure
  • Improves surgery recovery
  • Reduces scars
  • Reduces hyperpigmentation
  • Kills bacteria

Celluma is also an effective pre-procedure treatment to reduce recovery times from surgery. When used on active wounds, the treatment helps your body repair itself more efficiently.

Celluma SPORT

Celluma SPORT helps your joints and muscles recover from pain, increases blood circulation, and relieves pain from arthritis. We can place the flexible device over the spine, hips, shoulders, feet, and knees to reduce joint and muscle pain. If you recently experienced an injury from an accident or overtraining, this treatment can reduce muscle stiffness and spasms. You can use it to complement physical therapy appointments to accelerate your healing.

Celluma for Skin Aging

Celluma can reduce signs of skin aging by improving the health of your skin. The LED light stimulates collagen and elastin production to lessen the severity of fine lines and wrinkles. The device also improves the firmness and resilience of your skin by:

  • Triggering cellular regeneration
  • Helping your body create new neurons
  • Increasing circulation
  • Promoting the production of nitric oxide

Celluma for Skin Rejuvenation

Due to the flexible nature of the device, Celluma PRO can treat under eye wrinkles. During the treatment, we can shape the device to target the under-eye area. The collagen production will provide a younger, more firm appearance. It can also reduce the appearance of melasma and rough, scaly patches of skin (keratosis) for a smoother, more even skin tone.

Candidates & Consultation

Beautiful woman with glowing skin and voluminous hair, showcasing the anti-aging benefits of Celluma LED light therapy treatments offered by the experienced team at DermFx.

The best candidates for Celluma are looking for a noninvasive solution for managing pain, increasing hair growth, treating acne, improving the quality of their skin, and accelerating healing from wounds. Celluma is a convenient, multifunctional treatment, and during your consultation, the DermFX team will ask about your lifestyle, goals, and symptoms to create the best treatment plan for your needs. We can perform more than one Celluma treatment during your appointment to help you look and feel your best.

Preparation & Treatment

On the day of your Celluma treatment, you will need to arrive in loose, comfortable clothing that you can easily remove. You will also need to have clean skin that is free of topical moisturizers and creams. You will need to stop using retinol 3-4 days before your treatment and avoid sun exposure. During the treatment, we will shape the device to cover the treatment area. If you are receiving the treatment on your face, we will provide goggles to prevent the treatment from affecting your eyes. The procedure typically takes 30 minutes, and we can adjust the wavelengths depending on the areas you would like to target. Celluma devices have three wavelengths: blue, red, and near-infrared for a customizable treatment based on your needs.

Recovery & Results

After your Celluma treatment, you can return home immediately. However, you will need to avoid sun exposure and take good care of your skin afterward. After your treatment, you can enjoy smoother, clearer skin, reduced pain, accelerated healing, and thicker hair.

Skincare After Celluma

To maintain your results, you must take good care of your skin. Using high-quality skincare products for your skin type, applying sunscreen, and avoiding sun exposure will help your skin stay healthy. We also offer products to help you:

  • Moisturize your skin
  • Reduce signs of aging
  • Decrease hyperpigmentation

Our products are safe for sensitive skin types, and pairing Celluma treatments with our skincare recommendations can help you reap additional anti-aging and restorative benefits.

The Cost of Celluma Light Therapy

The cost of Celluma light therapy will depend on the size of the treatment area and the number of treatments you need to meet your goals. We can provide an all-inclusive quote after your consultation. We offer financial resources to help make your treatment more accessible. Contact our office to learn more:


Are there any side effects of Celluma light therapy?

Side effects are generally minimal with Celluma light therapy. Some individuals may experience temporary redness or sensitivity in the treated area, which typically resolves within a few hours.

How long does a Celluma treatment session last?

The length of the session depends on your treatment plan and your goals. You may need multiple treatments to see results depending on your condition.

How long does it take to see results from Celluma treatments?

This depends on the severity of your condition and the number of treatments you need. For acne, it can take a few weeks of consistent treatments to see results.

How can I maintain my results?

To maintain your results, you will need to take good care of your skin. We can discuss how to care for your body during your consultation.


  1. Dunn J, Grider MH. Physiology, adenosine triphosphate (ATP). PubMed. Published February 13, 2023. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK553175/
  2. Diogo MLG, Campos TM, Fonseca ESR, et al. Effect of Blue Light on Acne Vulgaris: A Systematic Review. Sensors. 2021;21(20):6943. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/s21206943
  3. Kische, Hanna, et al. “Sex Hormones and Hair Loss in Men from the General Population of Northeastern Germany.” JAMA Dermatology, vol. 153, no. 9, 1 Sept. 2017, p. 935, https://doi.org/10.1001/jamadermatol.2017.0297. Accessed 29 Mar. 2020.
  4. Nancy Garrick DD. Updated Estimates Suggest a Higher Number of U.S. Adults with Arthritis. National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases. Published June 25, 2018. Accessed July 11, 2024. https://archive.niams.nih.gov/newsroom/spotlight-on-research/updated-estimates-suggest-higher-number-us-adults-arthritis#:~:text=Based%20on%20the%20broader%20classification
  5. Spitler R, Berns MW. Comparison of laser and diode sources for acceleration of in vitrowound healing by low-level light therapy. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 2014;19(3):038001. doi:https://doi.org/10.1117/1.jbo.19.3.038001